Blog tagged as electric vehicles

What's Really Going on with Your Increasing Electric Bill

Homeowners are increasingly feeling the sting of rising electric bills, a trend that shows no signs of abating. To understand why electricity costs are climbing and why they are likely to continue rising, it's crucial to examine the various factors at play, with a particular focus on the aging elect...

Alex Hay
16.08.24 01:28 PM - Comment(s)
Utility Rates: What Does Our Future Hold?

How long have you owned your home? Whether it has been twenty years or two, Think back to that first month, think back to all the fun (stressful) projects you had planned. All the walls that needed new paint, the potential bar-area in the basement, the new patio furniture you were going to pick out,...

Alex Hay
18.07.23 02:22 PM - Comment(s)