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  • Home Solar

    Investing in solar for your home is easier than you may think. Solar tax credits, interconnection, $0-down financing, and airtight warranties make going solar a near guaranteed investment that will save you money, increase your property value, and reduce your carbon footprint.
    How it works

​How it works

Solar for your home is straightforward: your panels capture energy from the sun and convert it into DC (Direct Current) electricity. That electricity is then converted to AC (Alternating Current) that you use in your home. Any excess electricity that your system produces and you don’t use is sent back out onto the grid.

Your panels capture energy from the sun

That energy is converted into Direct Current (DC) electricity

That electricity is converted for your home (Alternating Current)

Any excess electricity produced is sent back onto the grid

This often happens during a sunny day when you are at work or out of the house and not using a lot of electricity. At night, when the sun is down and your panels are no longer producing, your home will again take the energy you need from the grid. Your utility meter keeps track of your consumption, what you use in your home, and your production, what your solar produces. You are then billed or credited for the difference!

Where it gets complicated is the differences in products, warranties, services offered by different companies, how best to finance, what different rules your utility company or town may have, and so on. There are so many options out there it can feel overwhelming. That is why we at Gold Path Solar are dedicated to learning what is important to you, and helping you navigate the options out there to find a personalized solution for you. We are vendor agnostic, meaning we aren’t required to recommend any one product or service, and can truly personalize a system to achieve your goals and maximize your home’s clean energy potential!

This often happens during a sunny day when you are at work or out of the house and not using a lot of electricity. At night, when the sun is down and your panels are no longer producing, your home will again take the energy you need from the grid. Your utility meter keeps track of your consumption, what you use in your home, and your production, what your solar produces. You are then billed or credited for the difference!

Where it gets complicated is the differences in products, warranties, services offered by different companies, how best to finance, what different rules your utility company or town may have, and so on. There are so many options out there it can feel overwhelming. That is why we at Gold Path Solar are dedicated to learning what is important to you, and helping you navigate the options out there to find a personalized solution for you. We are vendor agnostic, meaning we aren’t required to recommend any one product or service, and can truly personalize a system to achieve your goals and maximize your home’s clean energy potential!

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We learn what is important to you

There are so many options and it can be overwhelming. Gold Path Solar is dedicated to learning what is most vital to you.

We help you navigate the options

The Gold Path Solar team is dedicated to guiding you through your options and the available products and services.

We secure your personalized solution

Gold Path Solar personalizes a system to achieve your goals and maximize your home’s clean energy potential!

Contact us for a quote

​Benefits and Savings

At Gold Path Solar, we live our mission everyday. Helping people find and navigate their brightest path forward is in our foundation. Our employee-owned structure allows each team member to care more about the long term success of the projects they work on, because they know with your long term success comes their long term success. 

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Savings: the number 1 reason so many homeowners are going solar is because it saves you money every month on your utility bill. As soon as you go solar and are interconnected to the grid, the solar energy you produce offsets the energy that you would typically buy from your utility company, resulting in significant savings. 

The average solar homeowner will save tens of thousands of dollars in utility bill savings by making the switch to solar. Your utility company bills you in kilowatt hours (kWhs), and the average American pays 13.72 cents per kWh. When you install solar, your average kWh cost is 6-8 cents. The savings are truly incredible. 

Protection against rising rates

Electricity prices have always risen due to inflation, infrastructure expenses and many other factors, but recently electricity prices have been rising at unprecedented rates. According to the Wall Street Journal, recent events have caused some homeowners to see an increase in excess of 20% on their typical electric bills. When you make the decision to go solar you are producing your energy for your consumption and protecting yourself from having to pay for these rising electricity rates. You are choosing to stop renting your power and being vulnerable to rate hikes outside of your control, and are instead choosing to own your power and to have equity in your energy.

Increased self-sufficiency

Recent events & the increasing electrification of our everyday lives have caused many homeowners to re-evaluate their reliance on their utility company.  The vast majority of homeowners who don’t have solar are 100% dependent on their utility to power their daily lives.  

By going solar you transform your property into your own power plant and take the first step towards full energy independence, decreasing your dependence on your utility company.

Home value

Many home improvements will increase the value of your home and solar is no exception. Various studies have shown that not only do homes with solar sell for a premium, they will also sell faster than homes without solar. 

Solar is an investment that allows you to gain energy equity through your most valuable asset: your home. There really is nothing better you can do for your home. You can find more information on these studies here, here & here

Support local business

Maybe the most unspoken benefit of going solar is that you’re supporting your local economy.  Unlike utility companies who generate your power hundreds of miles away and may have a national headquarters in a different state, solar requires local workers to get the job done. 

Properties in your community also gain value, by bringing the benefits of electricity generating assets to each property.  When you go solar you are supporting your community by choosing to build equity in your home and creating jobs for local businesses.

Going green

The cherry on top of the solar benefit sundae is that going solar reduces your carbon footprint, making the world a cleaner, greener & better place.  

There is typically a trade-off when evaluating between saving a ton of money and doing the right thing, but going solar is one of the few instances where doing the right thing benefits everyone involved, especially the environment and the future generations to come.  

The average solar project removes over 125 tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the environment over the 25 year warranty period.  That is equivalent to planting over 3,000 trees!

​Frequently asked questions

Does solar make sense for my home?

Project Sunroof powered by Google Earth revealed that over 80% of single family homes in the United States have a roof that is qualified for solarChances are, your home is structurally fit for a solar panel installation. However, your roof’s age and condition, your financial situation, and your aesthetic preferences may affect your home’s solar eligibility. Oftentimes it is the homes that are most in need of a new roof or electrical upgrade that benefit the most from a solar installation. To find out for sure, you can contact us today to get a free, non sales evaluation of your home to determine if solar makes sense for you.

Will I pay more than I am now per month to go solar?

If you go solar, you will likely be paying less each month. Your utility company measures your electricity consumption that they bill you for in kilowatt hours (kWhs). The average cost for a kWh from your utility company in America is 13.72 cents. When you go solar, the cost of a kWh of electricity is 6-8 cents. Obviously, you are paying less when you go solar. But how does that affect your monthly budget? Each project is different, but most homeowners can finance a solar panel installation for $0.00 down, and start saving before they ever have to pay a bill. With current incentives available and great finance options, you can literally pay less each month to make the switch to solar. To find out if your home qualifies and to get a personalized quote, reach out today!

How much will I save?

The average home solar installation saves over $1,500.00 a year off of their utility bills, and over $35,000.00 over the 25 year warrantied period of the system. The amount you will save is dependent on how much sunlight you get, what products you choose, and how you finance the system. The average homeowner, depending on the financing options available, can actually pay less each month right now than they are paying their utility company. However you finance, the bottom line is solar for your home is going to save you money. 

Since we need electricity to live in our modern world, it's not if you're going to buy your electricity, it's how. Buying from your utility company instead of producing your own clean energy to use from your property will always be more expensive. Deciding what finance option makes sense for you, whether your home is eligible for solar, and what products are right for you to maximize your return on investment, reach out to us today for a personalized quote!

How does powering my home with solar work?

Powering your home with solar is pretty straightforward. The solar panels capture sunlight and convert that energy into DC (Direct Current) electricity. That DC electricity is then converted to AC (Alternating Current) electricity, which is the type of electricity your home runs on. That electricity is then sent into your home for your personal use. Where it gets a little complicated is when the solar panel system on your home is producing more electricity than your household is consuming. 

In this case, depending on your utility company's rules and whether you have installed a battery {hyperlink to battery FAQ}. You will send that excess electricity either to the grid for a credit, which is most common, or store it in a battery to use when your panels are no longer creating energy, like at night. To determine what is right for you and if your home is eligible for solar, request a no pressure quote

Do I need batteries to go solar?

The answer to this question depends on what you want out of your solar and the rules of your state and your utility company. Most solar homeowners do not need to install batteries because of net metering. This makes paying for batteries to store your excess electricity unnecessary, so you can maximize your savings and use your utility company's grid to handle any extra electricity you produce. You can enjoy the many benefits of solar without batteries, which now includes daytime backup for your home! 

Of course, to get 24/7 backup, batteries and/or generators is required. When trying to determine what is right for you, it is important to keep in mind what you need backed up, how reliable your current service is, and your monthly budget. To get a personalized quote based on what your home needs are, reach out today!

What is Net Metering and how does it work?

Net Metering is the agreement between a solar homeowner and their utility company. This policy is governed by the state{link below} and is the best incentive available to encourage homeowners to go solar. When you go solar, the system is installed on your home and interconnected with the grid. Your system will produce electricity, measured in kilowatt hours (kWhs), that you will use in your home to power your daily life. When your system over produces during the day, like when you are at work and the children are at school, that extra electricity that your home isn't consuming has to go somewhere. 

When you have a net metering agreement in place, those excess kWhs are sent back out to the grid, and your utility company credits you per kWh you send out for them to transport to your neighbors' homes. To keep track of this, your utility company will swap out your standard meter they use to measure your electricity consumption with a bidirectional meter, that can keep track of both energy consumption and production. When you are overproducing during the day, the bidirectional meter will roll backwards, and at night when you are consuming and not producing, your meter will run forwards. At the end of the month, the difference is what you are billed for. 

If you overproduced for the month, you will receive a credit. If you under produce, you will be billed for the difference. Most utility companies also have minimum monthly fees to stay interconnected, to learn more about your situation and for a personalized quote, reach out today!

What incentives are available for me to go solar?

There are a number of incentives still available to go solar. From the 26% Investment Tax Credit (ITC) applied to your federal income taxes to the interconnection incentives by state, normally referred to as Net Metering, to the specific utility and state incentives provided, the incentives really make solar for your home a no-brainer. For example, in South Carolina where you can take advantage of 26% federal tax credit, a 25% state tax credit, and net metering, you can install solar on your home for over half off, saving tens of thousands of dollars! Find out what you qualify for today!

How does a solar installation affect my home?

Solar installations are typically straightforward and completed within one to three days. Roof penetrations are warrantied not to leak from the installation process, and the panels can actually extend the life expectancy of your home! The most important factor in keeping the impact to the home low during the solar installation is choosing the right company with experienced team members to ensure everything goes smoothly. You want a professional team with the proper training and equipment to get the job done right the first time. It is also important to review warranties offered, both in terms of products and labor. The right residential solar install partner should be experienced and willing to stick with you beyond installation. Find out why Gold Path Solar is that partner.

Will my property value go up?

The short answer is yes! Solar will increase your property value. Real estate prices of course change quickly and there are a lot of factors that go into your home’s price, but a study from the Department of Energy and Berkley Laboratory showed an average increase in home value of $12,000 to $15,000

This study included over 4,000 home sales in 8 states, and was conducted in 2015. Since then, solar installation products have continued to become more cost effective and more effective, so with better products on homes these numbers are likely conservative. Another study done by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) concluded that every single $1 saved on your utility bill can add over $20 to the value of your home. At the end of the day, who wouldn’t want a house with a $0 electric bill? Find out what solar can do for your property value today with a hassle-free, no pressure quote.

What is the best way to pay for my solar panels?

There are a number of options to pay for a solar installation. There are companies that specialize in solar loans, that allow you to take advantage of the federal tax credit (ITC) up front, with $0.00 down! This gives you the flexibility of extremely low payments, which are often even lower than the electricity bill the system is eliminating for you. 

These types of loans for home solar are the most popular way to finance, about 80% of our homeowners choose this option. However, you can also pay with cash or a same-as-cash loan, to start seeing savings with no monthly payments right away. You can roll solar into a mortgage or a construction loan. This question can only really be answered by you, however. The experts at Gold Path Solar will walk you through these options and listen to what's best for you, then make recommendations based on your needs.

What happens when I sell my house?

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